Stay-At-Home Sunday Schedule *Currently*

Adult Sunday School via Zoom: 10 am

Worship via Zoom: 11 am


Periodic Community Worship 

Check the calendar here or in the side bar ahead of Sunday, as some weeks we pause Adult Sunday School to meet with our congregational partners an hour early at 10 am on their links.

In-Person Sunday Schedule

Sunday School: 9:45 am (during the school year)

Worship: 11 am

Refreshments + Lunch: 12:00 pm



Worship services incorporate the arts and interaction, including a rich tradition of pipe organ, congregational singing of traditional hymns, periodic skits from our ACOB Players, and occasional stations or pew groups to stimulate all styles of learning. Services also often include special music by our vocal choir, handbell choir or individual singers or musicians.

Children of all ages are welcome to stay throughout the service. Puzzles and coloring sheets are provided by the sanctuary entrance. Nursery care is also provided for younger children following the children’s message and interested older children can participate in a service project during the sermon.

Periodically we share worship with neighboring congregations for ecumenical services or move downstairs to the fellowship hall or outdoors. Check the calendar for these special services, otherwise we gather at 11 am in the sanctuary through the main entrance at the back of the building, facing away from Montague Street.

Sunday morning classes meet weekly at 9:45 am during the typical school year from the second Sunday in September through the first Sunday in June.

Children from Arlington Church of the Brethren join together with children from Bethel United Church of Christ for Sunday School while BUCC adults worship. Grades 3-6 attend a class upstairs with Ms. Judy while three year-olds through second graders attend downstairs with Ms. Alma.

The adult Sunday School class meets in the pastor’s office and is led by Nancy. Our adults select a book to read together, usually discussing a chapter each week. Whether you’re a regular participant or interested in checking out this class for the first time, you are always welcome.

Nursery care is provided year-round during the worship service and available upon request for the class hour. ACOB strives to maintain a safe environment consistent with safe church guidelines. All child care volunteers have passed background checks and other safety measures.

Each week children too old for the nursery but not quite ready to sit through the sermon are invited to participate in a short service project. The bulletin includes a note if and when the children leave the sanctuary for the day’s project. Our kids call it Kindness Club. One of the activities has us meeting in the kitchen to prepare snacks to offer after church for an optional donation. This pop-up snack shop has supported local projects like the Homeless Children’s Playtime Project and international efforts like the New Community Project’s Million Trees Campaign. We also partner with the Death Row Support Project so the children can spend time creating birthday cards for people in prison. Some Sundays they make bracelets and bookmarks for young patients at INOVA Children’s Hospital. Other Sunday’s we’ll gather for creative prayer projects with mandalas or paper airplanes. All children are welcome to Kindness Club, as are all ideas for new projects too!

Watch Our Latest Stay-At-Home Sermon on YouTube


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  • Brethren Voices on Arlington Independent Media
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