Be a Dunker Punks Podcast Partner.
Donate. Create. Share. Volunteer.
Did you know that the teams who create DPP episodes receive a modest honorarium for their work? That’s because we value being an authentic young adult voice of welcome to community in Christ. Support our young adult audio contributors, editors and hosts with a one-time or recurring monetary donation. Sponsorship opportunities are also available to have your project or a project you love highlighted on the show.
If you’ve listened and like the show, tell your friends and family. The endorsement of loyal listeners is the most effective way to grow our community of Dunker Punks.
Join the team! Tell us your interests, gifts or what would help you to support the project. Apply to join formally or get creative on your own designing art or crafting audio and video clips inspired by the show. You can further DPP’s ministry in many ways.