We gather each Sunday morning in a blended sanctuary! You are welcome either in person (300 N. Montague St.) or online (https://bit.ly/ACOBSundays, Meeting ID: 964 182 2949) as you feel most comfortable. Worship starts at 11 am EST in the sanctuary and Adult Sunday School is at 9:45 am EST in the library adjacent to the sanctuary. All are welcome to join in person with masks or from home via Zoom. Please keep an eye on the homepage featured events and/or online calendar for special Sundays we worship early to join with our congregational partners.

Always feel free to email the office ahead of time to request a worship service be recorded for you if you know you’ll be away. To watch recordings of special services and worship elements like readings, drama and music, check out ACOB’s YouTube Channel anytime. Click here to watch our latest YouTube postings:
